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About the Creator



My name is Andrew Robertson, creator of the NBA-All World community website. I have been a fan of basketball since I was ten years old, so naturally hearing about the release of this game had me thrilled.


My first introduction to a gaming experience by Niantic was Pokemon Go, as I'm sure was many of your first experiences with the company. I've been hooked on Pokemon Go since it was released and when I heard of the news of a game with similar premises of Pokemon Go being released by the same company I just knew I had to get my hands on it. My love for NBA basketball, Pokemon, and Niantic as a company has brought me here to create this website in hopes of bringing you all the best and earliest NBA All-World content. I really do appreciate every single one of you that have taken time out of your day to interact with my website, and I hope I've been able to provide you with everything you came here for!

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